Thursday, December 06, 2007

I'm engaged! S. popped the question on Thanksgiving day and we've set the date for July 26th. The fact that I'm posting this so long after the fact just shows how important my blog is to me these days. He asked me to marry him over Xbox 360 Live. It was awesome! He asked a bunch of people from the internet forums he frequents to send messages to his Live account saying, "J., will you marry S.?" So all day I kept seeing popups while we watched TV saying he had new messages. Right before we left to go to his parents' house for Thanksgiving dinner he said he should probably check his messages to see if it was anything important. When he opened his inbox every message on the screen was a marriage proposal!
In other news, I'm still working on the scarf for my mother's Xmas present. It's coming along nicely, but when I get it to the right length I'll have to bring it to work so V. can help me weave in the loose ends. I hope to finish it this weekend, cuz I'd love to have time before Christmas to whip up a pair of fingerless mitts. I'm also working a second job, which means 12 hour days Monday through Friday. At least I have my weekends free for wedding planning! And knitting, I hope.

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